Warm and moist breath, 14-17 breaths per minute, 4-7 fingers in length;breathing irregular


Positive Attributes Intensities Negative Attributes (Cause of Ailments) Diseases/Ailments
understanding +2000- intense, continuous anger coma
have complete knowledge,a specialist +1975- intense egotism, show-off
loss of memory
abolition of ego +1950- refusal to flow with experiences abdominal cramps
kind and generous mind +1925- mental block; stiff,closed mind ruined kidney
enthusiasm of action +1900- brooding over insults and seeking revenge abscess near neck and face
open mind, a constant learner +1875- ignorant, but superiority complex cerebral haemorrhage
affection for divine +1850- belief in violence accident prone
earn respect +1825- mentally lazy and foolish blindness, narcissism
aspiration for silence in mind +1800- family friction and arguments adenoids
logical mind +1775- consistent anger, foul language apoplexy
power to reject adverse suggestions +1750- anxiety and defeatism adrenal ailments
orderly mind +1725- ruffled, unsteady mind stroke and/or shock
mental aspiration +1700- closed mind not accepting the present premature old age
wise, guiding type +1675- inferiority complex; mean and greedy brain tumour
awakening +1650- sexual crimes AIDS
good grasping power and concentration +1625- meanly, deliberately cause misunderstanding brain cancer
mental balance +1600- guilt-, futility-based depression alcoholism; addiction to other things
highly active and agile mind +1575- back-biting, gossipy type insomnia and/or cancer
benevolence +1550- make mountains of mole- hills, irritation various allergies
forgiving type +1525- purposely cause unhappiness full paralysis
illumined mind centre +1500- suicidal tendency Alzheimer's disease
rational, clear mind; (awake) +1475- rebellious, undisciplined insanity and/or
partial paralysis
compassion +1450- trust in no one, nothing; live in fear amnesia
selfless, helping type +1425- accepting self-defeat,brooding arthritis
detachment +1400- no-spine attitude anaemia
kind, merciful to a fault +1375- extreme possessiveness psychosis and/or lung cancer
divine solitude +1350- anger through frustration internal bleeding
dignified approach to life +1325- fruitless mental gymnastics chronic bronchitis
perception +1300- anger through confusion pain, abscess in anus
steadfast and honest +1275- cause mental torture and worry alcoholism and/or TB
tranquility of mind +1250- preserve all mental debris fistula in anus
detached-in-life, gyani or yogi +1225- a revolutionary, mean and self-seeking severe backache; pain in joints
equanimity +1200- irritation from remorse and guilt unbearable itching
very noble mind and pleasant nature +1175- aggressive, bullying, a moral coward epilepsy
mental voice +1150- self-condemning unexplained pain in
body and mind
high mental capacity +1125- very dirty mind and nature severe eye troubles
intuitive mind centre +1100- non-trusting deep anxiety
creative, organized mind +1075- drive others insane lumbago
conscious of duties,obligations +1050- purposely create doubts,self-seeking migraine
  +1025- living, but dead severe abdominal pains
give happiness to others +1000- rigid, closed mind; obstinate ulcers, severe pain
alchemy +975- gulping down words, anger canker sores
remove misunderstandings +950- destructive tendencies;hatred angina and heart pains
ananda (bliss) in the centres +925- long-standing pain, hurt, grief cancer in various stages
live harmoniously with all +900- purposely cause embarrass-ment hallucinations
ascension +875- anger due to personal injustice carbuncle
mind-over-matter type +850- effeminate man and/or manly woman meningitis
aspiring to immortality +825- feeling of being trapped car-, bus-, plane-
trustworthy +800- mean, purposely cause irritability bad nerves, shaking hands
goodness embodied +775- selfish, inconsiderate eccentricity
soaring aspiration +750- seeing future as dark cataracts
firm and resolute +725- grave-digger mentality pain in the joints
beginning of realization +700- mentally retreating chills and cold
discriminative and good +675- brooding, back-accounting acidity
radiating peace in cells +650- refusing to change some chronic disease
sweet-tempered +625- intense greed, self-gain amoebic dysentery
perfect balance +600- deliberately shut off joys of life cholesterol
calm and collected +575- mental fog, stupid obesity
balance +550- mental confusion, small hurts colds
positive, hopeful, bright outlook +525- idiotic-depression, obsession backward, sub-normal
calm and collected +575- mental fog, stupid obesity
balance +550- mental confusion, small hurts colds
positive, hopeful, bright outlook +525- idiotic-depression,obsession backward, sub-normal
intimacy with divine +500- impatience, annoyance all round colic
peaceful, avoid quarrels +475- purposely cause fear worry blood and heart disorders
consciousness turned to light +450- feeling of oppression from parents colitis
righteous-pride mentality +425- gambler, cheat giddiness and severe
abolition of ego +400- escaping fear and the unwanted coma
steady and able and good +375- bitter, mental revenge-planning hernias of different types
self-respectful, kind and good +350- prefer loneliness, avoid people allergies of different types
enlightened prudence +325- do not like what one sees around conjunctivitis
avoid games of chance +300- shameless, over-smart palsy
initiation +275- stuck in past memory constipation
self-sacrificing +250- sarcastic, fault-finding phobias, skin
intuitive knowledge +225- feeling alone and scared coronary thrombosis
go out of one's way to help +200- hurt purposely by fault- finding high or low bloodpressure and disorders
material continuity +175- gripping tension cramps
mild-natured +150- brutal-but-coward attitude addictions of
various types
conversion of higher mind +125- mental imbalance Cushing's disease
forgiving +100- revengeful valve or hole in
heart disorders
mind of light in matter +75- nursing hurts cysts
light without obscenity +50- firm belief in hurts, and that no one cares cystic fibrosis
thirst to understand +25- isolation, not wanting to deafness
  0-15   death