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Basic Acceptance
Dear aspirant, you have decided to tread the path; examine well your sub-conscious motives that have prompted you to arrive at this decision. For remember, “above all else, to thine own self be true, for then canst be false to any man.”
Once again to caution you that there is no obligation for anyone to tread the path; and when you do ultimately; also remember, there should be no blind adherence to any presentation of Truth.
Remember the word “presentation”, for Truth ultimately is to be individually realized - all else is a weak attempt to convey - and this is called presentation. Beware of statements like, “This is the Truth”- And when traveling along the path also remember that if you give up nothing, it will give you nothing.
Never make the mistake, that almost every aspirant makes, the practices and methods are not something to be practiced only in the seated hours of meditations. It must be a way of life - something old must die in an aspirant and something new must be born.
Above all do not harbour any pious attitude of “grace” from God. There is no intimation here that the Diety would perform the miracle independent of man’s efforts - the aspirant’s efforts - “tireless endeavour” and “fiery aspiration”.
Keep this law of God and Nature ever in mind - “if there be one law which determines one’s duty done before god; it is the law of self - support.
Finally remember - man does not have to persuade God, but he does have to persuade himself to enter into communion with the substance of life.
Basic Understanding:
Read and understand the deeper meaning of the following simple lines, “If thou were here before I was, I am not here at all; If I am not a part of Him, there is no such God at all.”
Further, “before the eyes can see, they must be incapable of tears. Before the ear can hear, it must have lost its sensitiveness, before the voice can speak in the presence of the masters, it must have lost the power to would. Before the Soul (Self) can stand in the presence of the masters, its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart.”
These are few lines which the aspirant may try to understand - for to realize these lines, many births are essential; the greater the effort - the better and quicker the result.
Basic Misconceptions:
Let the aspirant know that on the path it is more difficult to unlearn the “path” theories and ancient ideas and superstitions and wrong beliefs, then to learn the new practices and methods.
Above all remember the path has nothing to do with Religion - whatever it is - for religion is mere formality.
It be noted that not alone in life but also on the path there is nothing like “something for nothing.”
There is no promise that someone else will atone for you or that any prophet or God incarnate will wash our sins.
The human race has come to maturity. Inculcate a sense of responsibility - blame or merit belong to the disciple - aspirant.
That Bhakti alone will show the way - No! Hard, intelligent and endless efforts at self improvement will take the aspirant high on the road to realization.
Indeed the immense love of Krishna and of Christ - is there to help but in that case the aspirant has to melt in Him.
An aspirant becomes a disciple - like an infant becoming a grand - father
Basic routine and practices:
The path has objective and subjective ways - there are methods and practices external and internal - all equally necessary and important.
On the path we do not make use of simple mathematics - for if the aspirant were not to practice one day in a week of seven days - he has not practiced for six days for on the path seven - minus - one is zero.
Remember that the physical body is the temple within which resides the supreme God - not as believed to be in high heavens - keep the body therefore spotlessly clean both within and without - in flesh, blood, nerves, heart - mind.
Let practices of the eight step of yoga - yama - niyama - asana - pranayama - pratyahara - dharna - dhyana - Samadhi - be a way of life.
Give no excuses - make none - accept none - be ruthless with yourself and with your own failures and make more determined efforts.
Basic work:
How does work differ from practices and methods?
It is like knowing and law differing from practicing the law. How many indulge in the very things they condemn in others; for we do not or may not act or do as these whom we condemn - but subtle linking thoughts - if honestly traced would be found equally to be condemned.
Work is on the subtle side of emotional and intellectual side - the side is not seen easily but is to be “caught” time and again each day.
The aspirant has to achieve “mental integrity”. This is an unending work - millions of past patterns lurk - especially of ego - sex - possessions - sensitiveness Be never satisfied with your work - i. e. believe that you have done, all that had to be done.