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I. Front Brain -- Registration Area
I -- Intellectual E -- Emotional S -- Sex M -- Movement Centres
These centres have a resultant intensity ratio of 2:4:8:2. They function as centres for normal awareness, so that mind-body senses are merely aware. (7) , A -- Ajna (magnetic point) : decoded thought forms, i.e. contaminated prana, are thrown out from here as excretions of the mind.
II. Mid Brain : not developed in stages 1 and 2. (P1) -- physical (A2) -- astral (M3) -- mental seed atoms (A2) and (M3) are normally dormant. The physical seed atom (P1) transmits decoded thought forms for the permanent physical seed atom in the causal body to register and record as permanent memory. (9) , B -- Bindu (8) , S -- Sahasrara (the corresponding area in the physical body is the thalamus).
IIIa. Memory pool shallow : for memory accumulated in the present life.
IIIb. Memory pool deep : for memory brought over from previous lives, normally inaccessible. (0) , T -- Taluka : the block {\bf O here is open to manas, i.e. incoming impulses, which in relation to the astral body are various grades of prana.
IV. Force Centres along the spinal column :
(3)--(6) are dormant and non-functional. (6) , V -- Vishuddhi (5) , A -- Anahata (4) , M -- Manipura (3) , K -- Kundali (2) , S -- Swadhisthana (1) , M -- Muladhara
Energy of the essence of consciousness circulating at (1<-->2) is a combination of the energies of life and awareness only and is of third grade. Normal food creates only physical energy. Physical energy, when acted upon, creates crude sex energy which in turn creates ordinary, undeveloped emotional and intellectual energies and a will that is neutral. Their colouring and intensities depend on past memory patterns. At this stage no higher emotional or mental or spiritual energy is possible.
Incoming impulses through the sense organs are carried via the open block O at taluka to couple with memory patterns drawn from the memory pools. It is this flow of manas right across and over the top of the brain to the registration area which, like a digital clock, makes the brain aware of moments -- time -- and consequently of space. Memory patterns keep this digital clock ticking. Thus sensory processes make us aware of time and space; non-sensory processes would eliminate this sense of time and space.